Let’s make the world an easier place to explore for everyone (Amamenu.com’s Story)

In the spring of 2016, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, casting aside the familiar to explore the world with the spirit of an intrepid explorer. Drawing inspiration from the legendary James Cook, I approached each destination with meticulous research, seeking not just places, but experiences that would shape the person I was to become.

One particular moment etched in my memory is the flight to Rwanda in February 2017. As the plane descended, I pressed my face against the window, eager to catch my first glimpse of this new chapter in my exploration. The sight that unfolded below was nothing short of awe-inspiring — a landscape of rolling hills, untouched beauty, and a surreal quality that resembled another world. It was as if I were flying over the canvas of a science fiction masterpiece.

Upon landing, Rwanda revealed itself as more than just a picturesque view from above. It was a haven of tranquility, cleanliness, and order—a country that defied expectations and surpassed the tales spun by the scattered information I had gathered online. Every encounter, from bustling markets to serene countryside, introduced me to a community of poised, polite, and genuinely warm individuals.

Yet, my most cherished moments unfolded beyond the capital, in the enchanting town of Musanze. After a month in Kigali, I sought refuge in a chic hotel near the center, where life offered a blend of comfort and unexpected challenges.

In my cozy room, I faced a dilemma. The hotel’s menu wasn’t accessible from the comfort of my space, leading me to embark on a journey to the restaurant, craving something different. The menu, presented only in text, left me yearning for visuals. A barrage of questions ensued, as I sought to understand each dish — its essence, ingredients, and presentation.

To my dismay, my initial choices weren’t available due to missing ingredients. Left with limited options, my order took an unexpected hour to arrive. As I lay awake that night, scenes replayed in my mind, sparking a revelation.

“If only this country had been presented to me as I’ve seen it. I would have come earlier.”

“If only I could access the hotel menu from my room or anywhere else. It would be more convenient.”

“If only I could see professional photos of the dishes. I could decide more easily.”

“If only I could pre-order, allowing the restaurant to prepare, ensuring a seamless dining experience.”

“If only I could virtually explore my hotel’s neighborhood and other services. I would make the most of my stay.”

Four years later, armed with these reflections, I returned to Rwanda, then in Ethiopia and Togo to give them life. Today, I am the proud creator of a platform that addresses the very challenges I encountered — a solution for millions around the world. Our mission is to make the world a more accessible place for exploration, fueled by courage, creativity, and unwavering determination.

Let’s join hands in making the world an easier place to explore for everyone. We’re strategically working towards this vision, driven by the belief that with every journey, we’re not just traversing landscapes but weaving stories that connect us all in the grand tapestry of exploration.


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